The all-in-one fryer and teppanyaki machine is very practical and can be used at night markets or to fry French fries, burgers, etc. in the store. Fried food and Teppanyaki have always been people's favorite snacks. Whether it's French fries, chicken tenders, burgers or various vegetable skewers, this fryer can help you solve it. The conjoined Teppanyaki can make hand pancakes, Teppanyaki squid tenderloin, etc.
All-in-one fryer and Teppanyaki machine
The new model is on the market and will be sold at cost to the first customer
It uses gas heating and can be controlled separately.
Ordering phone number: - (synchronized with WeChat)
There are also a variety of deep fryers for sale that are large and temperature-controllable (generally used for frying fried dough sticks). Shengke Guoyue wishes your business will grow day by day.
Deep fryer and Teppanyaki all-in-one machine